Sometime back I saw a call for project submissions for a new Lark book - 30 minute bracelets. I thought it sounded like a fun idea and was super impressed with their other 30 minute books (rings and necklaces). So I came up with a few ideas...
...and, Ta Da! I've been published!
Making chainmaille bracelets is super fun! |
Oh, hey, look. That's my name up there! |
Actually, two of my bracelet proposals were accepted. Wheeee!
Riveted Reversible Bracelet anyone? |
A few months later I received another book in the mail from Lark and couldn't figure out why....
See that tiny photo right above the author's name? |
And then I saw my name, 6th from the bottom on the right side. How cool, published twice! If you'd like me to sign your copy so you can say that you knew me when, I'd be happy to. ;)