
Sweet September Sweeps

I know you've been waiting. You can't take it any longer!!!

Who. Is. September's. Jewelry. Giveaway. Winner????

But I digress. As many of you know, when you sign up for the fuzzishü mailing list you are automatically registered to win fuzzishü jewelry 4 times a year (spring, summer, winter, fall) Pretty exciting, no? Granted there will be other contests on here from time to time, but do you really want to miss out on this?

So, back to the Sweeps. This past month we were giving away a pair of 'winter' earrings. The lucky winner was a visitor to my booth at the Uptown Minneapolis show - Robyn J.

... Bob, show her what she's won....

Robyn will have her choice of colors: blush (rosy pink), dew (yellowy-green), mist (lilac) , breeze (cornflower blue), frost (clear), bliss (seafoam green), or whisper (pale aqua).

For those of you who didn't win, don't worry you are still entered for the next drawing. If you still can't live without a pair feel free to email me. I have more available for purchase. And for those of you not on the list...What are you waiting for?!

Join now by emailing fuzzishu [at] gmail [dot] com with 'MAILING LIST' as the subject. Remember kids, it's as they say. You can't win if you don't play ;)